To all people who are about to download this mod.

Get your boxing moves on a Ped and see if the correct sound effects pop up. You may not notice it if your driving a car or if its raining but it does happen sometimes. I wouldnt say after 20 minutes - its more of a random thing - but sometimes there is an intense mixture of camera clicking and bike chains grinding. Sometimes not all the time the sound effects for reloading guns does the same. I dont know why but it does kinda spoil the fighting experience. The most notable problem - when you do melee non-gun attacks after installing this mod, instead of 'punch' sounds or katana's cutting peds there are short clips of garages opening, cars revving or bikes crashing. Im not flaming im just giving constructive criticsm so you can grow as an awesome modder. The sound effects are great, but like Jamenos said their are some faults which i'll try to explain with a bit more professionalism.

2016 della molla nuove donne scarpe tacchi alti sottili nere in Criminals Online This site: Network : Ariff Aziz commented over 8 years ago.